Will Grayson, Will Grayson Chapter 2 Summary

will grayson

  • This next chapter is narrated by a different guy that has—wait for it—the same name. This will grayson tells his story using all lowercase letters, though. Um, symbolism much?
  • will starts out nice and cheery. He tells us that he's "constantly torn between killing myself and killing everyone around me." We think he's joking… but only kind of.
  • As he leaves the house, will's mom tries to talk to him, but he brushes her off. If Tiny Cooper thought that his Will Grayson was cynical, well, he definitely needs to meet this one to see the teenage angst kicked up about a thousand notches.
  • When will gets to school that morning (after day-dreaming about how nice it would be to die in a school bus crash), his friend Maura is waiting for him.
  • will and Maura share a mutually gloomy outlook on life; it's sort of how they became friends. Maura also gives him free coffee. Pretty soon, will's friends Derek and Simon come over to see them.
  • School is pretty much an annoyance for will, and the only thing he does all morning that's in any way worthwhile is write the name Isaac over and over again in his notebook. Hmm… who's Isaac?
  • At lunch, will sits with Derek and Simon but they don't talk much. During math, Maura passes him notes, but he doesn't pass any back. He thinks that Maura might like him in a more-than-friends way and he isn't really sure what to do about it.
  • After school, will heads home. He thinks about going to the skate park, but it's pretty freaking cold outside (he's in the Chicago suburbs, too), plus the kids that skate there are jerks. So no thank you.
  • At home, will checks to see if Isaac's online yet. Isaac's the only person who will talks to online—he even told Maura that his mom made him get rid of instant messenger so she wouldn't keep bugging him every two minutes online.
  • Finally Isaac messages will. It's obvious he's pretty into this kid—this is the one person will has absolutely no cynicism for.
  • will and Isaac met in an online forum for a singer they both liked. It's not a great story, but will thinks that one day maybe they can hire that singer to play at their wedding. You know, because will totally has a crush on Isaac.
  • Of course, Isaac lives in Ohio and neither of them can ask their parents to drive them to another state to meet some boy. That would open up a whole can of worms that will is not ready for. In fact, no one even knows that will talks to Isaac.
  • So they just talk. Every day. And the awesome thing is that it makes will feel better.
  • Eventually, Isaac has to go (he's talking to will at work) so will heads downstairs to watch some television and snark about it.
  • will's mom comes home and starts dinner and talks to him. She's going to play poker with her girlfriends that night and maybe she can win some more money for will's car fund.
  • His mom really wants him to have a car, but will doesn't think she needs to buy him one; she's a single mom and they don't have a lot of money. He gets it, and it makes him feel bad that she feels bad. Geez. Moms.
  • Mom would like to know if will has taken his depression medication that day. Of course will has, but he obviously doesn't want to talk about it.
  • That night, Maura calls but will ignores the phone. Then he gets on the computer and sees that Isaac is back online. They talk for an hour. will wishes he could hear Isaac's voice on the phone, but Isaac isn't allowed to have his own cell.
  • will isn't a very hopeful person (gee, really?) but he can't stop himself from wishing that this crazy thing with Isaac works out. After all, he's totally in love with this boy. Aww.