Will Grayson, Will Grayson Chapter 5 Summary

Will Grayson

  • Will doesn't have much going on that weekend, but his dad pulls him aside on Sunday night to discuss THE FUTURE (yes, all caps—you know how dads can be). It seems there's a nice program at Northwestern where Will can attend both college and medical school at the same time. Wouldn't that be a nice way to spend your future, son?
  • Lots of kids wouldn't listen when their parents try to steer them toward the same career that they have, but Will is different. His parents probably do know better than him. Heck, anyone would know better than him.
  • The next morning at school, Clint (one of Will's former friends) comes up to Will to let him know that Tiny is going to talk to the student council about getting funding for Tiny Dancer. He also asks if Will is going to play himself in the gayest musical ever—because Clint is a jerkface.
  • Just then Jane and Tiny show up and Clint heads off (because no one messes with Tiny Cooper). Jane is cold because it's winter in Chicago and they are all standing outside, so Will offers her his jacket as they head inside.
  • Will doesn't see Jane all day, but after his last class, he unlocks his locker and—voilà—his coat is stuffed inside. Weird.
  • On his way to the car, Will sees Tiny talking with Clint. Ugh. Once Tiny gets in the car, Will asks him to knock off this Tiny Dancer stuff, saying it's kind of embarrassing.
  • Will asks what he needs to do to get Tiny to stop, and Tiny says date Jane. Ha.
  • Will's not into Jane, though. Well, he is, but he's not going to date her because of heartbreak and all that.
  • Tiny starts banging his head against the car horn over and over again—he's not going to stop until Will says he'll call Jane. Will finally agrees. So no Tiny Dancer, then?
  • Oh no, Tiny Dancer's still happening. Tiny has to live his dream, after all, and he's going to need Will to be in the play.
  • Will's all no way—in fact, Tiny needs to just write him out completely.
  • Tiny explains that the character of Gil Wrayson isn't Will Grayson; he's just a fictional character. Besides, Tiny can't just change his art because it makes Will uncomfortable.
  • Yeah, Tiny Dancer is so happening.
  • That night, Will is listening to the band they're going to go see on Friday—the Maybe Dead Cats—and he actually really likes them. He wants to talk about it with someone, so he decides to give Jane a call.
  • They talk about the band and the impending terror Will has about Tiny Dancer, then Jane asks him if he got the note that she stuck in his jacket pocket that day.
  • Will fishes through his dirty pockets and finds a note from Jane thanking him for the coat and letting him know that he really should be more careful when he unlocks his locker—you never know who might be hanging around watching and memorizing his locker combination.
  • Will doesn't know what to say. He likes Jane, but he doesn't (also, that's a creepy note). So, he says the worst thing possible: "Very cute."
  • Oh, man. Jane finally gets it. Besides, she just got out of relationship so that's probably why she's getting a little bit clingy with Will in the first place.
  • After the world's most awkward good-bye, Will feels terrible, so he calls Tiny and just tells him everything. He likes Jane, but he doesn't like Jane; he doesn't want to care, but he does. What the hell?
  • Will decides he has to do something, so at school on Friday, he secretly watches Jane open her locker and memorizes her combination: 25-2-11. Then he emails the Maybe Dead Cats. Would they pretty please consider dedicating their song at tonight's concert—"Annus Miribalis"—to 25-2-11? They write back and say sure, "Anything for love."
  • That night, Tiny, Jane, and Will stop to eat hot dogs and then head to the concert. Will is all ready to use his fake ID, but when the bouncer takes a look at it, he won't let Will in. Seems Paulie put the wrong birthdate on it; pretend-Will won't turn twenty-one until January.
  • Will tells Tiny and Jane to go ahead without him, even though, for a second, he kind of hopes they won't leave him, that they'll insist on staying with him and all missing the show together. But Tiny and Jane go inside anyway.
  • Will's stuck there just waiting, so he heads back to the hot dog place. He has a couple hours to kill before the concert is over, though. What's he supposed to do with this weak fake ID? Buy cigarettes? Or maybe buy porn? Now there's an idea…
  • Will heads toward an "Adult Books" sign outside a store across from the bar that Jane and Tiny are in. The clerk takes a look at him, but doesn't ask to see his ID.
  • Dead set on using his ID for something, Will demands that the clerk card him. Okay, sure thing, Ishmael J. Biafra.
  • Will wanders around looking for something to buy that will make Tiny and Jane laugh; at least he'll have a good story and something funny to show them when they're done with the concert. The traitors.
  • So Will settles on a nice bit of Spanish-language porn called Mano a Mano. Classy.