Will Grayson, Will Grayson Isolation Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #1

I don't regret writing the letter in the least, but I regret signing it. Signing it was a clear violation of the rule about shutting up, and look where it got me: alone on a Tuesday afternoon, staring at my black Chuck Taylors. (1.30)

Will was so close to having other friends, but then Tiny had to go ruin it. As usual. It's back to being a guy with only one friend yet again.

Quote #2

i sit with derek and simon at lunch. the way it is with us, it's like we're sitting in a waiting room. every now and then we'll say something, but mostly we stick to our own chair-sized spaces. occasionally we'll read magazines. if someone comes over, we'll look up. but that doesn't happen often. we ignore most of the people who walk by, even the ones we're supposed to lust after. it's not like derek and simon are into girls. basically, they like computers.

derek: do you think the X18 software will be released before summer?
simon: i read on trustmaster's blog that it might. that would be cool.
me: here's your homework back.

when i look at the guys and girls at the other tables, i wonder what they could possibly have to say to each other. they're all so boring and they're all trying to make up for it by talking louder. i'd rather just sit here and eat. (2.28-30)

will has friends but it doesn't seem like he really connects with them; these three just sit at their lunch table and sort of ignore each other. Who does will really have to talk to in this world? No one.

Quote #3

i haven't told anyone about isaac because it's none of their business. i love that he knows who everyone is but nobody knows who he is. if i had actual friends that i felt i could talk to, this might cause some conflict. but since right now there'd only need to be one car to take people to my funeral, i think it's okay. (2.56)

Oof. This is the most depressing thing ever. The only person will can trust is Isaac (who turns out to be a fake); he doesn't want or need anyone else. Well, at least that's what he thinks.