Will Grayson, Will Grayson Writing Style

Conversational Contemplation

This book may deal with some tough themes (mental illness, teen sexuality, love), but it sure is fun to read. This is because, even in dark moments, Green and Levithan aren't afraid to keep things snarky and light:

every morning i pray that the school bus will crash and we'll all die in a fiery wreck. then my mom will be able to sue the school bus company for never making school buses with seat belts, and she'll be able to get more money for my tragic death than i would've ever made in my tragic life. unless the lawyers from the school bus company can prove to the jury that i was guaranteed to be a f***up. then they'd get away with buying my mom a used ford fiesta and calling it even. (2.17)

Both Will Graysons talk like typical teenagers, but they're also deep thinkers. They're reflecting on the things they think and believe and even changing their minds sometimes. These two are at a crossroads, but we know they're going to come out stronger and wiser on the other side.

And speaking of these two, a key component to this book's writing style is that there are two narrators, so swing by the "Narrator Point of View" page for the scoop on this unique feature.