Revolver Family Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

The Bible felt like the last link to his parents. It had been his mother's pride, that beautiful black leather-bound book. (33.44)

Sig wants to keep his mom's Bible not necessarily for the information inside it, but because it's a family heirloom. The book signifies so much to him now that both of his parents are dead, and he wants to have something connected to them. If you want to know more about our take on the Bible, check out the "Symbols" section.

Quote #8

He prayed to his mother; he prayed that she wasn't wrong to preach the path of peace. He prayed to his father; he prayed that his father had known what he was talking about when he said that you should never put a powerful new smokeless cartridge into an old gun like theirs. (37.14)

Faith might be important to Maria, but family is the most significant thing to Sig. Here he prays to his parents, since this brings him more comfort than talking to any religious figure.

Quote #9

Well, it was what you said to me, as you left the cabin. I suddenly saw what I had to do. I wanted to be true to our mother, but I didn't want to let our father down either. And I saw a way to do both, to make them both happy. (39.28)

When his sister asks him why he didn't kill Wolff years later, this is Sig's answer. It turns out he wasn't so worried about Wolff's life, or even his own—instead he wanted to do something that would make his parents proud of him.