The Sign of the Beaver Prejudice Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

When Matt hunched himself onto the other stool, the boy's scowl deepened. Plainly he did not like having the white boy so close to him. (7.9)

Attean has some personal space issues, and he is so angry with white people that he can't even stand to be physically close to Matt. That there's some serious prejudice.

Quote #5

The real trouble was that Attean was contemptuous, that the whole matter of white man's words seemed to him nonsense. (9.16)

Though Attean's scorn is understandable given what he's experienced in his life, it's too bad he doesn't take Matt's lessons very seriously. The rough reality is that white people—and their words—are becoming an increasingly unavoidable reality.

Quote #6

He had never questioned that story. Like Robinson Crusoe, he had thought it natural and right that the wild man should be the white man's slave. Was there perhaps another possibility? The thought was new and troubling. (9.30)

Light bulb moment. Matt's whole perspective on life and people starts to change here. Perhaps everything he's learned is… gulp… wrong. That's a hard pill to swallow. Good thing Matt's not afraid to take a slurp.