The Sign of the Beaver Prejudice Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

Only, Matt thought, it would have been better perhaps if Friday hadn't been quite so thickheaded. After all, there must have been a thing or two about that desert island that a native who had lived there all his life could have taught Robinson Crusoe. (10.5)

Turns out reality is a lot different than fiction. The more Matt understands Attean, the more he realizes that his favorite book is actually biased—Daniel Defoe (the author) definitely swung the pendulum in favor of Robinson Crusoe, not Friday. Maturity props to Matt for figuring that one out.

Quote #8

Matt was ashamed of his suspicions. Attean had only meant to help him. If only he didn't have to be so superior about it. (11.48)

Do you think Attean truly feels superior to Matt while helping him? Or is that just how he comes off to others? If he does feel superior, do you think he's justified in that belief?

Quote #9

And Matt was fed up with Attean's scorn for white men. It was ridiculous to think that he and Attean could ever really be friends. (13.22)

Matt makes a good point here. If people can't get over their prejudices of each other, it's really hard to become real friends.