Lockdown Chapter 19 Summary

  • Mr. Pugh returns the letter from K-Man, who reports on another neighborhood shooting. It's pretty depressing.
  • K-Man says it's been hard to stay out of trouble without Reese around; he feels like he doesn't have anyone to hang out with.
  • He talks about wanting to go to college, but then later in the letter he says he's losing hope that it'll be possible.
  • King Kong and Toon are supposed to fight after dinner. Reese isn't exactly looking forward to it.
  • In the rec room, the fight starts to go down when Mr. Pugh leaves to sneak a cigarette and King Kong punches Toon in the head, hard.
  • When King Kong starts to run toward Toon (so he can kick him harder), Reese trips him—and then Reese punches him.
  • King Kong's on the ground, and Mr. Pugh's back from his break and wants to know what happened. King Kong rats Reese out.
  • Mr. Pugh hauls Reese off to detention and beats up Reese a little. After Mr. Pugh leaves, Reese hears him drag King Kong into another room.