Lockdown Fear Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #1

Cobo went over and talked to Toon, and you could see Toon was freaking out. (4.12)

In Progress, it's not okay to show fear, even when you feel it. Toon wears his feelings on his sleeve, which is one reason he gets singled out for bullying.

Quote #2

Sometimes Mr. Pugh would stop and flinch like he was going to do something. I just held on to the belt. He was letting me know that at any moment he could stop and punch me in the face. I was knowing it. (6.22)

Reese has to live with the threat of violence, not just from his fellow inmates, but also from the people in charge. No rest for the weary when it comes to fear in prison.

Quote #3

Mr. Pugh uncuffed me. When I stood up, I almost fell down, my legs were shaking so bad. (6.45)

Reese doesn't just fear violence; he's also afraid of what would happen if he were transferred to another facility—which Mr. Cintron threatens to do. Gulp.