Lockdown Chapter 33 Summary

  • Mr. C came through with the visit and now Reese is in Toon's room chatting. He tells Toon his hearing (where they determine if he can get early release) will be later in the day.
  • Reese tells Toon that maybe they can hang out once they're both out of Progress. Toon is pretty enthusiastic about the idea.
  • Reese says he can't have his brother hurting himself and gives him a hug. It's really touching. Reese is really worried about Toon, and he tells him to stay strong.
  • Reese heads to his hearing with a lot of confidence, pretty sure he's going home.
  • Mr. Pugh is feeling talkative on the way to the hearing. He mentions that he has a brother—or had a brother. Sounds like Mr. Pugh has possibly had some tough things happen in the past.
  • There are three people at the hearing, and one of them is Mr. Cintron, who lays out Reese's case, explaining that he comes from a dysfunctional family.
  • The committee asks Reese to explain why he should get out early, and he says he intends to be on his best behavior.
  • Reese also says he knows he needs to have a plan for his life—he didn't understand this before, so instead he just drifted along with whatever happened around him. He also talks about his time in the work program.
  • Reese has to wait in the hall while the committee deliberates. Mr. Pugh tells him he did well, but Reese is less sure.
  • Time for the verdict. The committee has decided, against the wishes of Mr. Cintron, that Reese needs to serve his full sentence. He won't be leaving Progress early. So that's that.