Lockdown Criminality Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #1

I hoped it didn't rain on the days I was coming to Evergreen, because I didn't want them seeing me in my orange rain hood. (1.51)

Reese is really self-conscious about being visually identified as a prisoner. Or who knows, maybe orange just isn't his color.

Quote #2

"Mr. Robinson the Terrorist!"

"Glad to be here, sir!" Play called back.

"Mr. Sanchez the bank robber!"

"Glad to be here, sir!" Diego called. (3.3-3.6)

Mr. Wilson's little joke is to make up these names for the inmates during roll call. But how do you think these guys feel when they're called terrorists and bank robbers? Yeah, not good.

Quote #3

Being at Progress, hearing the bars slam or standing in the halls waiting for somebody to unlock one of the steel doors, made me feel like maybe I was an animal or something. (6.14)

Reese describes how being in prison is dehumanizing—he feels like "an animal," unable to move freely and locked in a cage. The food isn't so hot, either.