Lockdown Prejudice Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #1

Why should we fund this program, pay the extra insurance, and pay for the extra staff hours if these African Americans are just going to throw it away? […] They're going to be thinking that people like you don't deserve a chance. (6.41)

Mr. Cintron describes the twisted thought process of the people who fund the work program, who he believes are prejudiced against African Americans like Reese.

Quote #2

"I can tell where people come from by the way they talk, too," Mr. Gonder said. "They got a certain way of talking in Brooklyn. I don't like it." (7.40)

Mr. Gonder also thinks that Reese "looks like" he's from Brooklyn. Gosh, wonder why?

Quote #3

"You murdered somebody?" he asked me.

"No sir," I said. "I didn't murder anybody."

"White or black person?" he asked. (7.67-7.69)

What's worse—that Mr. Hooft thinks that Reese is a murderer just because he's in jail, the fact that he refuses to believe Reese's answer, or that it matters to him whether a victim is black or white?