The Reformed Vampire Support Group Chapter 16 Summary

  • Nina lets readers know that she's going switch things up and tell us about some stuff that she doesn't find out about until later.
  • While she and Dave are passed out in Father Ramon's garage, Nefley Irving is climbing into Dave's apartment.
  • Nefley is a nerdy postal worker who is obsessed with paranormal things. He poses as Fangseeker in order to be a hero and fight vampires…but then he gets a response from Casimir and gets scared.
  • So Nefley sets up a time to meet with Casimir but observes from a distance, and follows Casimir back to his place to stake it out (pun totally intended). Nefley sneaks in on a Tuesday, stakes Casimir, and steals his address book.
  • Nefley's next move is to sneak into Dave's place that Sunday afternoon. Dave obviously isn't home, but then the doorbell rings—it's Barry McKinnon.
  • McKinnon walks in and starts interrogating Nefley. Dermid shows up to back him up, and they ask if Dave knows the priest, and then where Reuben is.
  • Nefley knows who Father Ramon is because he has Casimir's address book, but he obviously doesn't know Reuben. So the McKinnons search Nefley's place and then find out where Father Ramon lives.
  • The McKinnons walk in on Reuben sleeping, so they drug and handcuff him. They're new plan is to sell him to an American millionaire, Forrest Darwell. They don't want to leave witnesses, so they rig Father Ramon's stove to explode and leave Nefley and Father Ramon unconscious there.
  • However, Father Ramon overhears the conversation about selling Reuben before the drugs they dose him with take effect (they're planning on leaving a bottle of pills bedside to make it look like he committed suicide).