The Reformed Vampire Support Group Analysis

Literary Devices in The Reformed Vampire Support Group

Symbolism, Imagery, Allegory


The Reformed Vampire Support Group is set in present-day Australia, in a world pretty much identical to our own… but with vampires and werewolves living under-the-radar existences.Where do vampir...

Narrator Point of View

Don't be fooled by the way the book starts out in third person; Nina, our narrator, soon switches to first person to tell her story. In Chapter 1, we see a move from this kind of sentence: "Nina ha...


Why YA? We're so glad you asked. Even though Nina's been a vampire for, like, decades, she was fifteen when she was infected, and she still looks—and acts—a lot like a teenager. She rolls her e...


If there's one thing Nina's tone as narrator conveys to us, it's heavy cynicism. Nina is world-weary, sarcastic, and doubtful about darn near everything, so her tone is all of those things, too.Aft...

Writing Style

Becausethis book is ostensibly Nina's memoir, and she's a published author, we're not surprised that she busts out the metaphors, similes, and wit to spruce up her writing. Here are a few examples...

What's Up With the Title?

The title of The Reformed Vampire Support Group combines a lot of neat ideas that don't normally go together.If you've ever watched Buffy or Angel, then yeah, you're familiar with the idea of a ref...

What's Up With the Ending?

By the time the book ends, we see a ton of plot threads wrapped up: The slayer, Nefley, is no longer a threat (in fact, he's converted to supporting vamps); Dave and Nina finally admit their feelin...


The world sure seems to love throwing a wrench in Nina's life, but the things that happen to her make perfect sense… once you accept that there's supernatural stuff in her world. So while there a...

Plot Analysis

Interview With a (Very Bored) VampireNina's life as a vampire is totally boring. The vampire infection makes her feel weak and sick, so all she really has the energy to do is go to the Reformed Va...


The inspiration for The Reformed Vampire Support Group was the mental image of a bunch of slacker vampires watching TV and complaining. (Source.)Author Catherine Jinks says that one point of The Re...

Steaminess Rating

The s-bomb gets dropped a few times, and the official word for part of male genitalia is mentioned in an anecdote, but otherwise this book's pretty tame. We see a brief kiss, but that's it for out...


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