The Reformed Vampire Support Group Summary

How It All Goes Down

Nina is a vampire—a reformed vampire, thank you very much. Not like being a vampire is that great; they're sick all the time due to the nature of the infection. Every Tuesday she meets with the other vampires in her support group, but then one Tuesday they find out that one (generally disliked) member, Casimir, has been murdered. Understandably, everyone freaks out, and they decide to hole up at Nina's mom's place while searching for the vampire killer.

Working off a clue found at the murder scene (a silver bullet), Nina goes on a road trip with Dave (a fellow vamp she's kind of crushing on) and Father Ramon, their human advocate. They drive from Sydney to the outback to investigate Barry McKinnon, a dude whose name they got from a company that sells silver bullets. There they discover Barry and his son Dermid running an underground werewolf-fighting ring (because of course). The McKinnons lock up Father Ramon, Nina, and Dave.

At daybreak, Nina and Dave revert to a deathlike state and Father Ramon claims to have killed them to save himself. When night falls again, though, Nina and Dave rescue Father Ramon and the werewolf the McKinnons were keeping captive, Reuben. Then they hotwire a car and drive back to Sydney.

The McKinnons have Dave's wallet so they drive to his place to try to find Reuben (who's worth a lot of money to an American collector). Right then, Nefley Irving, the supernatural-obsessed nerd who managed to kill Casimir, is also at Dave's place, hoping to stake another vamp. The McKinnons capture and interrogate Nefley, and then go to Father Ramon's place. Father Ramon and Reuben roll in during the day, with Dave and Nina stowed in sun-proof places in the car. The McKinnons drug Nefley and Father Ramon and leave them to die in a gas leak—luckily, though, Nina and Dave wake at sundown and get everyone out of there. Phew.

Back at Nina's mom's place, they fill everyone in on what's happened. Nina wants to rescue Reuben from the McKinnons, but everyone shoots her down since they're worried about their own skins. Horace (who's always been kind of shady) suggests that he and Nina sneak out to do it, so they do, and Dave follows them. It's a total mess, but they subdue Barry and Dermid. For a moment, though, Nina and Horace are left alone with an unconscious Dermid—and when Nina goes to answer the door when a concerned neighbor knocks, Horace bites Dermid, infecting him.

Now Dermid, Barry, and Nefley are all being kept at Nina's mom's house. During the daytime, Reuben and Nina's mom talk Nefley into not hating vampires anymore. They send him home in a cab, even though he has broken limbs from a bungled escape attempt. They also call the McKinnons' business contact who wants to purchase Reuben, in order to set up a trap for him. Barry escapes from his confinement, but when he tries to free his son, Dermid bites him.

Then Dermid wigs out and runs away, leaving his infected father behind. Dermid goes to Nefley's place because that's where the McKinnons left their car, and returns with Nefley as his hostage, deliriously demanding for his dad to be set free. Nina tries to talk Dermid down even though he's pointing a gun at her, and she actually kind of sort of succeeds. The vamps subdue Dermid, and get him and Barry into Sanford's care so he can monitor their transformation.

Because of Nina's speech to Dermid about being a vampire not being totally terrible, Dave finally makes a move and kisses her. They're both happy about that. Over the next year, Nefley becomes a vamp supporter, Reuben tries to get his life back together, and Horace is stuck underground as punishment.

Also, Nina writes a memoir about what vampire life is actually like, unlike the sensationalistic fiction about Zadia Bloodstone she's been publishing. She feels more normal than ever, which is pretty awesome for her.