The Rules of Survival Lies and Deceit Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

"But you need a father, Matt," he said softly. "A real father. All of you do. And it wasn't okay that I stepped in there and pretended for a little while. Not when it wasn't real and I knew it wasn't real." And now he was crying. (25.54)

Murdoch doesn't feel badly about breaking up with Nikki, but he definitely feels badly about breaking the kids' hearts. It's obvious that they expected him to become a father figure, and he feels like he lied to them when he left.

Quote #8

And this is where Aunt Bobbie surprised me for the first time. "Nikki was a big liar when we were kids," she said thoughtfully. "I can't even remember how many times she got me in trouble, saying I'd done things I hadn't." (27.39)

Not everyone falls for Nikki's old tricks. Matthew is surprised when Aunt Bobbie believes him, but she's known Nikki forever. She grew up with Nikki and knows what a huge liar she can be.

Quote #9

"She tells you this real horrible story. She's being tortured by this man. He's her ex-boyfriend, or her ex-husband, whatever. She's afraid of him. He's jealous and he's mean. She tells you stuff that's really awful about this man. He beat up her kids, or maybe he hit on her little daughter. He beat her up, too." (37.40)

Matthew just doesn't get how Nikki convinces dudes to beat up Murdoch, but Ben patiently explains to him that she just tells a bunch of lies. She gives men this horrible sob story, and they get all hyped up to defend her honor.