The Ear, the Eye, the Arm Family Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

The Mellower was so much a part of the family, it was difficult to think of him as an outsider. (37.9)

Aw, how sweet. Tendai might think of the Mellower as family, but that doesn't mean the guy is innocent. It turns out his obligation to his real family (a.k.a. his mom) is much stronger than his commitment to Tendai.

Quote #8

She wasn't going to stay home. She was tired of waiting while other people carried her children anywhere they pleased. As far as Mother was concerned, if Arm wanted to blast a hole in the side of the embassy, she would help him. (37.52)

Mother doesn't care whether it's right or wrong, she's going to help rescue her kids. So what if breaking into an ancient village or bombing an embassy is involved? What matters most to her is getting her kids back. She'll deal with the consequences later.

Quote #9

Arm looked out over the swiftly rushing clouds. The wind blew his shirt back against his chest so that it almost looked glued there. It was cold and getting colder. What happens to me? You join your ancestors. You become part of mudzimu, your family spirit. You know that. (38.5)

Ancestors hold a special place in the book since the characters value spirits and tradition so much. It's not just about the family that you have here with you, it's also important to honor and value the people who came before. You might never meet them, but they are still your family.