The Raven Boys The Supernatural Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

"I don't understand," Blue said. Something in her ached though, like she did understand, but she couldn't put words to it, wrap her thoughts around it. She felt like she was part of a dream this place was happening, or it was part of a dream of hers. (23.127)

Cabeswater is a pretty wild place. Fish appear out of nowhere (according to Gansey's whims), there's a tree that hands out crazy visions like Halloween candy, and the forest speaks in Latin. There's definitely magic in the air.

Quote #5

It had seemed so very real. Was this the future? Was this an alternate future? Was this just a waking dream? She couldn't imagine falling in love with Gansey, of all people, but in that vision it had seemed not just plausible, but indisputable. (23.154)

Is Blue's vision in which she kisses Gansey really a glimpse into the future? It would take some kind of magic to make her fall in love with him… especially after their tiff over money at Nino's.

Quote #6

Adam's heart was still a flighty thing. He had to confess to himself that until now he probably had never really believed Gansey's supernatural explanation for the ley line, not in a way that he'd really internalized. Now it was real. Magic existed, and Adam didn't know how much that changed the world. (25.54)

Hunting for the ley lines isn't a game anymore. Adam knows that magic and the supernatural exist now, and he has to reconfigure his ideas of how the world works—it's not so simple anymore.