Angus, Thongs and Full-Frontal Snogging Family Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

My sister, Libby, kisses me on the mouth quite a lot, but I don't think sisters count. (1.144)

Libby loves her sister so much; that Georgia openly accepts her affection lets us know she's a softy for her sister, too.

Quote #5

We are four people who, through great misfortune, happen to be stuck in the same house. Why make it worse by hanging around in garden centers or going for a walk together? (1.148)

Classic teen sentiment alert: Who hasn't felt like their parents and siblings are just some randos they're stuck with until they can legally hack it on their own?

Quote #6

Libby has the flu… Poor little thing. I really love my little sister. (2.175)

Georgia's parents may drive her nuts, but when it comes to Libby, she just can't seem to feel anything but fondness for very long. Kind of undermines the quote right before this one, though, doesn't it? After all, Libby is one of the four people just scraping by together…