Angus, Thongs and Full-Frontal Snogging Friendship Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

She was putting Chap Stick on, pouting in the mirror […] she really has snapped, she thinks she looks like Claudia Schiffer. "I'm saying, it's only coffee for the moment. If anything else happens, of course I will tell you first." That's when I kicked her on the shin. HOW DARE SHE? That is it!!! I'm never speaking to her again. (7.722)

This is the biggest conflict between Jas and Georgia, and it almost tears them apart for good—there's even a bit of physical violence involved. You know what it's over, though? A boy. So while tempers run high here, they eventually cool. Boys aren't that important, after all…

Quote #8

I've made a list of my friends:

 I have 12 "close casuals,"

 20 "social only,"

and 6 "inner circle" (you know, the kind of friends who would cry properly at your funeral). (7.724)

This list is inspired by how peeved Georgia is with Jas for having coffee with Robbie. The nerve, we know. Still, we should probably point out that Georgia likes making lists about things that bother her… so maybe this is more venting than fact.

Quote #9

I am sorry that a boy has come between us, it will never happen again. I was stupid and didn't think of your feeling even though you are my best friend. If there is anything I can do to be your friend again, I will do it. (8.782)

This is from Jas's letter to Georgia apologizing for letting Robbie come in between them—a.k.a. the first time Jas expresses guilt over anything and apologizes. It's a good thing, too, since this is their biggest blow-out in the entire book.