Angus, Thongs and Full-Frontal Snogging Friendship Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

I CANNOT BELIEVE IT. Stabbed in the back by my so-called best friend. (4.452)

Loyalty is a big issue with these girls, and in this particular scenario, Georgia is responding to the news that Jas told Robbie she broke up with Tom (his bro) at Georgia's suggestion. Georgia feels like Jas threw her under the bus with her dream date. Georgia's so angry with Jas that she questions their friendship—"my so-called best friend" are some pretty harsh words.

Quote #5

Jas off all week. I'm worried about her now; she won't even speak to me on the phone. Even when I pretended to be Santa Claus. (5.628)

Jas starts missing school when her breakup with Tom finally starts to sink in, and here Georgia appears to be concerned about Jas's wellbeing. Guess this is during one of the girls' "on" phases…

Quote #6

"Jas what are you doing? What's the matter? Come on, tell me, your best pal." (6.648)

Jas is in bed, miserable over her break-up with Tom, so Georgia comes to visit her. Sure they might bicker about petty things, but when Georgia senses that her friend is truly down, she tries to help her back up.