Angus, Thongs and Full-Frontal Snogging Gender Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

I want him to be like Darcy in Pride and Prejudice (although, having said that, I've seen him in other things like Fever Pitch and he's not so sexy out of frilly shirts and tights). (1.83)

Based on the time period of Angus, Thongs and Full-Frontal Snogging, Georgia wants to date a man who like is Colin Firth playing Mr. Darcy. It's confusing if you think about it: She doesn't like her father showing any sort of softer side, but frilly shirts and tights are totally cool in her book.

Quote #5

Anyway, I'll never have a boyfriend because I am too ugly. (1.83)

Georgia has a few ideas about what guys find attractive in women and—bummer for dudes (and herself)—she limits them to only admiring superficial qualities in women. This gender stereotype leaves Georgia feeling self-conscious about her looks since she thinks they're her only value to men. Ugh.

Quote #6

I did find something very strange in the tie drawer as well as the tweezers. It was a sort of apron thing in a special box […]. It would be more than flesh and blood could stand if I have to "understand" his feminine side. (1.90)

Georgia might only be talking about her father directly here, but she's saying a lot about men's gender roles in general. She majorly freaks out about this garment she discovers, though she gets her comeuppance when her dad rips her a new one after he finds out she's been snooping.