Evan Walker

Character Analysis

Evan Walker might be the most likable alien since E.T. He's also, well, a bit of a creeper.

Sure, okay, sometimes he's a bit much—like the time he whispered "You saved me" (36.126) into Cassie's ear just a few too many times. And yeah, sometimes he likes to wait outside her doorway while she sleeps. And he maintains eye contact a bit too long.

But doesn't the fact that he's an alien explain away a few of these faux pas? Doesn't the fact that he saved Cassie's life make up for the fact that he, um, shot her? Doesn't the fact that he lurves Cassie make up for the fact that he stalked her?

So many questions. So few answers. And that's why we've put together this handy Evan Walker FAQ. (You're welcome.)

What's Evan's Deal?

Evan's an all-American farmboy. He comes from a big family with seven brothers and sisters. He's eighteen years old and he can't wait to vote in the next election… should there ever be one. Oh, and:

[…] when he awakened inside the human body chosen for him, he had known what he was. Finisher. Hunter. Assassin. (31.11)

Wait. What?

We're talking about Evan's Awakening. It's sort of like an alien Bar Mitzvah (which is as spooky and scary as 30 Rock's "Werewolf Bar Mitzvah.") Anyway, that was four years ago and he's "fought against seeing the world through human eyes" (31.27) during his "painful integration" (31.28) ever since.

You know, regular teenager stuff.

Seriously, though. What's his deal?

You sound worried. Why? Listen, it's fine. We want to answer all your questions. One thing you should know is that Evan is a fabulous cook. He likes making hamburgers from scratch—we're talking scratch scratch, like killing the cow and everything. (Normal!)

Also, ever since the alien apocalypse he's been hunting and killing human prey. That's how he met his lovely girlfriend, Cassie. She's his whole world in a regular, non-obsessive way, and he's been nothing but devoted to her ever since he shot her in the leg. That was the moment he knew he was in love with her, basically.

When Evan says he was "downloaded" into a human body, what exactly does that mean?

Oh, it's really quite simple. "There was a boy, a real human boy named Evan Walker" (71.75). And when that little boy was still in his mommy's tummy, an alien life form was inserted—or downloaded—inside him.

Then the alien took a long, long nap inside human Evan for thirteen years. When the alien finally woke up, human Evan was "absorbed" (71.77). It was totally normal and natural, and we're sure that if the human part of Evan hadn't been absorbed by an alien life form, he'd tell you the same.

Why did the alien need human Evan's body?

Great question. For one thing, the aliens are "haven't had bodies in tens of thousands of years" (71.85). They gave all that up to live as "pure consciousness" (71.87) on their mothership.

Why did they do that?

For secret, normal, alien reasons.

How long have Evan and Cassie been together?

Not long, though it seems like he's been stalking her forever. When they met, he felt like he knew her because he'd been following her around and reading her diary for months.

Does he have any hobbies or talents?

Yes, of course. He loves hunting, which we've already mentioned, and he's just a talented outdoorsman in general. Why, just the other day, when some child soldiers tried to blow him up in a ditch, Evan chased them down and murdered them so brutally that it made Cassie puke. Gosh, those guys are so cute together.

What's next for Evan Walker? He's not anywhere nearby, right? Right?

Well, you know Evan. He likes to keep people guessing. Last we heard he blew up Camp Haven, the alien military base. If he survived, we're sure he's doing normal human teenager stuff. Without a doubt, he's a suitable partner for Cassie. Don't even worry about it.

Evan Walker's Timeline