The 5th Wave Warfare Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

I hugged Lizbeth and told her I'd call as soon as the phones started working again. I was still practicing pre-invasion thinking. You know, the power goes out, but it always comes back on. (6.74)

Cassie tells us that, for a long time, it didn't occur to anyone that their old way of life was over. It must have been a difficult pill to swallow.

Quote #5

We couldn't take them head-on, but we could fight a guerilla war. We could go all asymmetrical on their alien asses. We had enough guns and ammo and even some transport that survived the 1st Wave. (10.30)

Humans still had some get-up-and-go… that is, until the Third Wave, the plague, hit. That sort of sapped their will to fight back.

Quote #6

It wasn't the aliens that first made us gear up for war; it was our fellow humans. (12.22)

Before the alien pestilence started killing people, the main threat to safety was human looters. That's what killed Ben's family.