The Ear, the Eye, the Arm Technology and Modernization Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

It was Father's favorite workplace, fitted with holoscreens so he could stay in contact with the outside world. […] Tendai was always surprised by this artistic streak in Father. He usually seemed interested only in machines. (2.20)

Screens everywhere—that essentially sums up the General's office. Is it just us, or does it seem weird to stay connected to the world by staying in your home? General Matsika certainly has all the modern advances money can buy, but we can't help but wonder whether he needs to get out more. You can also stay connected by going out into the world, you know.

Quote #5

"Don't worry. We'll protect you. I'll program the pantry to say we ate those ghastly parsnips. The house robots won't tell on you. They don't know how." (3.51)

One of the coolest things about Tendai's house is his programmable pantry that cooks for him. One hamburger coming right up. They can have any food whenever they want, simply by pressing a button. The best part? There's even a robot to do the dishes. The future is looking bright.

Quote #6

It was blue. Its fur stood out in a handsome ruff around its face, and its tail hung down almost to the ground. It wore a leather collar attached to a chain. Its owner, who had a surprising number of bandages on various parts of his body, sat glumly in a chair and smoked a cigarette. "That's a genetically engineered monkey" (4.55)

A genetically engineered monkey sounds cool. That is, until we learn that it's a cross between the worst aspects of monkey, human, and pit bull. Gulp. Here we glimpse what happens when mad scientists experience far too much with modern tech gadgets. Just because they have the ability to make something doesn't mean they should.