The Ear, the Eye, the Arm Technology and Modernization Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

Hanging on the wall were the only things of value in the whole office: three Nirvana guns, obtained at great expense when the detectives opened their office. They had been fired only once at the police training range. (6.8)

Ear, Eye, and Arm have a special gun that emits vibrations that stimulate the sleep center of the brain. In other words, it puts people to sleep. To check out what we like to think of as the nap guns, swing by the "Symbols" section.

Quote #8

He watched Ear feed synth-food into the microwave. A moment later, a sickly smell floated through the office. "I hate bacteria burgers." (9.14)

Mmm… Food made from sewage bacteria sure sounds tasty, but we think we'll pass. We're all about recycling and reusing stuff, but this one takes it a step too far. Sewage should just be left well enough alone. Leave it to the modern people in the book to find a way to eat it again.

Quote #9

"It's a screen with a three-dimensional picture in it. You say the number, and the operator dials it for you." But Tendai might have been talking Tibetan for all Hodza understood. "Well, what about the police? How do you call them?" (18.46)

Tendai explains what a holophone is to the villagers in Resthaven, but quickly discovers that it's no use. They live in the past. If you think telling your grandma about your iPhone is bad, imagine trying to your great-great-grandmother. In this book, not all people value technology or feel the need for it.