The Raven Boys Fate and Free Will Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

"Well, it's just a very precautionary-sounding sort of thing, isn't it? Don't date or you'll go blind. Kiss your true love and he bites it."

"It's not just her!" Blue protested. "Every psychic or medium I've ever met tells me the same thing. Besides, my mom's not like that. She wouldn't just play around with something like that. It's not pretend." (28.48-49)

What if this whole kiss-your-true-love-and-he-will-die thing was really made up by Blue's mom to keep her away from boys? It would be a pretty ingenious tactic to keep her teenage daughter from getting into trouble.

Quote #8

He exhaled slowly: "I heard a voice. It was a whisper. I won't forget what it said. It said: 'You will live because of Glendower. Someone else on the ley line is dying when they should not, and so you will live when you should not.'" (28.90)

Gansey's obsession with ley lines and this old Welsh king named Glendower makes a lot more sense when he reveals that he received a vision as a kid. Apparently he was allowed to live in order to find Glendower… whatever that may entail.

Quote #9

"You win," Adam said finally. He rubbed a hand through his uneven hair. He sounded tired. "Take me to get my stuff."

Gansey had been about to start the Camaro, but he took his hand away from the ignition. "I didn't win anything. Do you think this is how I wanted it?" (38.6-7)

So much for making his own life choices: It looks like Adam is forever fated to remain in the shadow of his best friend, and he resents that. Just because he doesn't have the money doesn't mean that he should constantly be the sidekick character, right?