The Raven Boys The Home Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

For a moment, Ronan and Adam craned their necks, looking around the spread-out space as if they, too, were seeing it for the first time. The vast room, painted red with afternoon sun through the dozens of windowpanes, was beautiful and cluttered. It reminded Blue of the feeling she had when she had first seen Gansey's journal. (32.11)

Gansey's apartment in Manmouth Manufacturing isn't just a gorgeous space—it's also a reflection of his inner life. That's why Adam is so envious of him… Gansey has a place that's his in every sense of the word.

Quote #5

"Where do you live?"

Adam's mouth was very set. "A place made for leaving."

"That's not really an answer."

"It's not really a place." (32.27-30)

The place where you live isn't always your "home," and this is especially true for Adam, who lives in a trailer with his parents and is never comfortable or happy when he's there. It's hard to be happy when your dad is a complete and utter jerk.

Quote #6

"Yes," Adam replied. "When I get out on my own, it will be to someplace I made myself."

"And that's why you go to Aglionby."

He leveled that gaze on her. "And that's why I go to Aglionby." (32.32-34)

Adam isn't just going to Aglionby to amass more wealth than Donald Trump, or to become the most powerful person in the world—he is going there so that he can afford to get a place of his own, a place that will be just his.