The Raven Boys Society and Class Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

"Because I own this building," Gansey said. "It's a better investment than paying for dorm housing. You can't sell your dorm after you're done with school. And where did that money go? Nowhere."

Dick Gansey III hated to be told that he sounded like Dick Gansey II, but right then, he did. Both of them could trot out logic on a nice little leash, wearing a smart plaid jacket, when they wanted to. (4.38-39)

Apparently, Aglionby boys are rich enough so that high school kids can buy real estate like it's no big thing. Gansey doesn't want to end up like his father, but he's certainly got some of that same rich boy swagger.

Quote #5

"That is what I said! You think you can just pay me to talk to your friend? Clearly you pay most of your female companions by the hour and don't know how it works with the real world, but… but…" Blue remembered that she was working to a point, but not what that point was. Indignation had eliminated all higher functions and all that remained was the desire to slap him. The boy opened his mouth to protest, and her thought came back to her all in a rush. "Most girls, when they're interested in a guy, will sit with them for free." (6.48)

Being rich isn't exactly the only thing that you need when it comes to picking up a girl. Blue is so offended by Gansey's suggestion that he pay her for talking to Adam that she tears him a new one.

Quote #6

Adam sighed, as if he recognized her retreat. "He doesn't know. He's stupid about money."

"And you aren't?"

He just leveled her with a very steady look. It wasn't an expression that left room for folly. (8.22-24)

Adam's friends may be stupid and careless with their money, but Adam can't afford to think like them. He comes from a poor family, which means that he's hyperaware of what everything costs… even when someone else is footing the bill.