Westmark Chapter 10 Summary

Chapter 10

  • Cue back to Theo's journey. Las Bombas, Theo, Musket, and Mickle reach the town of Felden, where they're gonna stage the Oracle Priestess gag.
  • Theo realizes that Mickle hasn't spoken to him much since he confronted her about her nightmares—and he really doesn't like that—so to keep himself busy, he decides to sketch Mickle, which is harder than it sounds. He can't capture her contradictory essence—sometimes shy, sometimes really bold—on paper.
  • Before they can chat much more though, they've got to get their costumes fitted for their performances. Later that night, Theo hears a weird sound coming from Mickle's room—she's freaked out by yet another bad dream. This time she imagined she was drowning and couldn't get out.
  • The next day, Theo sketches her portrait again and does a bit better; then the two teach each other the alphabet and Mickle's sign language some more. No surprise—Mickle's a really fast learner. She can't decipher her bad dream though, which recurs pretty often, and sometimes there's a mean voice in it to boot. She has other dreams, sometimes—nice ones about playing hide and seek—but she hides too well and her parents can't find her, so even those dreams have dark edges. Plus Theo thought Mickle was an orphan… hmm.