Westmark Chapter 19 Summary

Chapter 19

  • Musket steers the coach out of town and Theo and Mickle try to help Las Bombas. Theo can't get his mind off the violence in Nierkeeping and how Justin might've been killed because Theo didn't pull the trigger, though—he super wants Justin's forgiveness. Theo guides them to Florian's hideout, where they meet the Children.
  • Torrens helps heal Justin, despite his differences with Florian. Theo says he should've been the one to save Justin, and Florian recommends that he doesn't hesitate the next time a friend's life is in danger.
  • Theo still knows killing is bad, and ponders these dilemmas with Florian, who says everyone is afraid and deals with such questions. Theo wonders who gets to decide the answers to what's right and wrong and Florian says you can't improve a government or get justice without "breaking a few eggs," a.k.a. hurting/killing people.
  • Theo reminds him that people aren't inanimate objects to be disposed of, though.