Westmark Chapter 17 Summary

Chapter 17

  • The group heads out under the cover of darkness—Florian and his men go one way, and Theo and the others head down another. They find the cage where Las Bombas is being held, and he doesn't look good—LB reveals that he was imprisoned for allegedly cheating the townspeople with a trick he and Mickle conducted.
  • Justin's eager to start fighting, but Theo and Zara reel him in. To create a diversion to distract attention from any of their friends' efforts, Justin goes into the jail pretending to be a thief, and Theo accuses him of picking his pocket. Zara comes in and makes things more complicated, until she knocks out the constable and frees Musket, who is sent to the marketplace to free Las Bombas. Theo goes to get Mickle out of her cell, but she's not too happy to see him, on account of how he abandoned her a while back and all.
  • Shots ring out from near the barracks—Florian and friends have gotten into the arsenal of weapons, thanks to Theo's diversion. With the help of Stock's tools, Mickle frees Las Bombas from the cage, but he's really weak and has to be carried.
  • In the midst of all this hubbub Justin gets bloodthirsty, so he picks up a musket and fires at one enemy soldier, who almost kills him. Justin commands Theo to murder the bad guy in response, and Theo almost shoots the soldier, but he finds he can't—at the same moment that he doesn't pull the trigger though, the officer still dies. Florian took the shot.
  • Theo drags Justin and his friend into the count's cart and they flee the city.