Westmark Chapter 8 Summary

Chapter 8

  • The next morning, Theo wakes up to see Las Bombas dressed up in a costume; the count tells him that Mickle's his charge. Gee thanks?
  • Las Bombas suggests that they put on a skit called The Undine, which stars an all-knowing mermaid, but Theo doesn't think it'll work—plus he's not happy with the idea of people staring at Mickle, so he suggests another idea instead. Las Bombas can put his spare body part models together with the phrenological head to create a ghost, and Mickle will dress up in a black robe and pretend to "summon" the spirit. Las Bombas says they'll call it "The Oracle Priestess." Go team.
  • Theo gets to making a sign announcing this latest scam. Mickle watches, but admits she doesn't know how to read or write—her friends never taught her and she was an orphan. Theo shows Mickle the alphabet, while Mickle teaches him how to use a sort of sign language with his fingers, which is a way to speak without grown-ups being able to tell. Cool trick.
  • While working, Theo asks Mickle if she's recovered from her nightmare—but Mickle's all bad dreams, bad shmeams and runs off.