The Fallen Star Abandonment Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #1

But now… well, let's just say that for someone who has no friends going to school is like dangling a piece of bacon in front of a dog's face—pure and utter torture. I hated watching everyone walk around in their little cliques while I stood on the sidelines alone. (2.15)

When she feels no emotions, going to school without friends is no big deal to Gemma. But as soon as she starts to actually feel like a normal teenager, her self-imposed isolation becomes painful.

Quote #2

Since then, our already strained relationship has worsened. We barely talk to each other, which I guess isn't that big of a change since we barely talked before. (2.22)

Marco and Sophia have always put a roof over Gemma's head, but they've pretty much abandoned her emotionally. They don't even ask her what's wrong when she starts to cry and stuff—they just get mad at her for showing emotion.

Quote #3

Her eyes widened. "I don't." She pushed past me and marched up the stairs, calling over her shoulder, "In fact, I don't care what you do at all."

Her words hurt me like a knife to the heart. I mean, I always assumed she never liked me very much, but now that she put it out there… I felt like I might cry. They didn't care about me. (7.185-186)

Wow, Sophia really isn't the kind of grandmother who makes Gemma cookies and tucks her in at night. She basically tells her that she's on her own emotionally, and that she doesn't care what happens to her.