The Fallen Star Fate vs. Free Will Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #1

"I told you there was no point." A tall, husky man appeared in front of me. The black-hooded monster's bony fingers dug deep into my skin. "Like I said, you won't escape." He grinned, the kind of grin that would have sent chills down my spine if I hadn't already been freezing to death. (1.7)

Gemma is determined to escape her dreams unscathed, but no matter how many times the same nightmare repeats, she just can't break the cycle and evade capture. It's almost like she's destined to be caught by the Death Walkers and this creepy man…

Quote #2

"[…] The prophecy said that if your emotions weren't controlled, then the power of the star would weaken and eventually die, which would make it useless to stop the portal from opening." He placed his hand on top of mine, which I thought was kind of weird. He sure seemed determined to touch me. "So to keep that from happening, and to keep Demetrius from ever finding out, Stephan made the decision for you to go and live with Marco and Sophia in the real world." (14.19)

Even though it's technically pretty impossible to change a prophecy, the Keepers are very invested in the idea of keeping Gemma alive and unemotional so that she can stop the portal from opening up. They're going to try to thwart fate.

Quote #3

"The Death Walkers will find you," he said. I could hear him moving toward me, his footsteps scuffing lazily against the hardwood floor like he was so sure I wasn't going to run away. "Now that they know the star's in you, they'll always be searching for you." (14.42)

Gemma thinks that maybe she can just walk away and go back to her regularly scheduled life, but Alex reminds her that it's her fate—and her responsibility—to try to save the world. And even if she doesn't want to do it, the Death Walkers will still be after her.