The Fallen Star The Supernatural Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #1

"I'm not really sure how to explain it." He paused. "It happened the first day we came here. I felt this weird electric feeling when she walked by me. And it keeps getting worse the more I'm around her." (4.95)

Gemma thinks that her attraction to Alex is just a normal schoolgirl crush (after all, how could she know any differently?), but Alex knows that there's something magical about their connection. And he doesn't like that one bit.

Quote #2

It didn't feel hot or anything. Not even warm. But there was something off about it. Something different, but I couldn't quite put my finger on what it was. It almost felt sparkly… or maybe it was more electric. (7.123)

As soon as Gemma touches the spot where the star supposedly fell, she feels a kind of spark. This makes sense since she's harboring the star's energy inside of her—it's like the star recognizes this place.

Quote #3

I tore my gaze away from the windows. Aislin was kneeling down on the ground, doing something weird with a black candle and what looked like a chunk of amethyst. What was this? Black magic time? (12.69)

What in the world is Aislin doing? Gemma's freaking out about the ice demons approaching the bus and can't figure out why Aislin would be playing with crystals instead of, you know, running away. She hasn't deduced that Aislin is a witch yet.