The Fallen Star Chapter 27 Summary

  • Alex walks into the cabin and sees Nicholas holding Gemma hostage. Immediately he drops the groceries and turns pale.
  • Nicholas introduces himself again, and Alex recognizes him. He asks why Nicholas is here, and Gemma takes this opportunity to kick Nicholas as hard as she can to get away.
  • He lets go of her and she runs over to Alex. Alex demands to know why Nicholas is here, so Nicholas tells them that he's here on behalf of the Foreseers—and that he's come for Gemma. The Foreseers want her so that she can train to be a Foreseer. Hello there, plot twist.
  • Nicholas tells Gemma that she is a Foreseer because she used a crystal ball to see a vision. Based on that, the law states that she belongs to the Foreseers and needs to go to the City of Crystal so she can train.
  • Alex says that he's coming with them if that's the case, and Nicholas argues, but Alex stays firm and eventually Nicholas concedes that Alex can come along to protect Gemma.
  • Nicholas brings a small crystal ball out of his pocket and tells Gemma to place her hand on it. As soon as she does so, there's a bright burst of light and she goes traveling through a dark tunnel.