The Fallen Star Quotes

Find the perfect quote to float your boat. Shmoop breaks down key quotations from The Fallen Star.

Abandonment Quotes

But now… well, let's just say that for someone who has no friends going to school is like dangling a piece of bacon in front of a dog's face—pure and utter torture. I hated watching everyone wa...

Betrayal Quotes

A secret? Secrets were rarely good. And since it was Alex… let's just say I wasn't feeling too optimistic, especially since he was being nice. Well, nice for him, anyway. It made me even edgier t...

Lies and Deceit Quotes

You know that feeling you get when you walk into a room and the air feels thick and heavy and you know you were just being talked about? Well, that's what happened when I found Marco and Sophia, hu...

Violence Quotes

The interior lights blinked off, and all I could see were the yellow eyes fire-flying around outside. Then a purple glow swallowed up my surroundings, and I let my eyes close as the windows shatter...

Fear Quotes

I let out an uncontrollable whimper and opened my mouth to scream, but only a whisper escaped. I flung my weight forward, squirming and kicking and fighting to break free with every ounce of streng...

Identity Quotes

I wasn't always the girl that I am now. Terrified—the word meant absolutely nothing to me. In fact, almost everything meant absolutely nothing to me. My mind was as blank as a sheet of paper—th...

Fate vs. Free Will Quotes

"I told you there was no point." A tall, husky man appeared in front of me. The black-hooded monster's bony fingers dug deep into my skin. "Like I said, you won't escape." He grinned, the kind of g...

Memory and the Past Quotes

What did my life used to be like? That was the question that ping-ponged through my brain during the rest of the school day. What had my life been like before I'd been able to feel? Before Alex had...

Duty Quotes

I lay there, motionless, letting his words sink in. "So, what you're trying to tell me is that Marco and Sophia, the people who've raised me since I was one, belong to some secret group that protec...

The Supernatural Quotes

"I'm not really sure how to explain it." He paused. "It happened the first day we came here. I felt this weird electric feeling when she walked by me. And it keeps getting worse the more I'm around...