The Fallen Star Duty Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #1

I lay there, motionless, letting his words sink in. "So, what you're trying to tell me is that Marco and Sophia, the people who've raised me since I was one, belong to some secret group that protect the world from evil?" (13.180)

So Sophia and Marco aren't watching over Gemma because they're her grandparents after all—instead it's a part of their job as these Keepers who are charged with protecting the earth from destruction. Gemma's not sure how she feels about all of this.

Quote #2

"I need a break," I announced. "I'm going outside."

"Like hell you are," Alex said.

"I'm not a little kid." I stood up straight and raised my chin, hoping I appeared more confident than I felt. "If I want to go outside then I will. I need some fresh air." (15.65-67)

Alex thinks that it's his responsibility to check-in on Gemma and make sure that she's safe at all times, but his overprotective bossiness can sure be annoying. Gemma doesn't appreciate how he just orders her around like she's a kid.

Quote #3

"Maybe we should go back to Afton and check up on things," Aislin suggested. "There might something at the house that could help us figure out where they are."

Alex stared at her, dumbfounded. "Are you crazy? There's no way we're taking Gemma back there. It's too dangerous." (16.21-22)

Poor Gemma isn't even allowed to go back to her hometown after leaving without saying goodbye. She knows that it's her responsibility to stay out of harm's way, but it majorly stinks to have her movements so restricted.