The Fallen Star Chapter 13 Summary

  • Gemma falls onto the ground, and whens he gets up she finds that she's no longer in the school bus. Instead she's in a room with nice hardwood floors, a fancy couch, and dark curtains blocking all the windows.
  • Alex and Aislin are behind her and she backs away from them, telling them both to stay away from her. Alex assures her they aren't going to hurt her, but they have to treat her wound.
  • That's when Gemma notices that there's a small piece of glass lodged into her skin and that she's bleeding.
  • Alex tells Aislin to go find Laylen and see if he has a first aid kid. All of this is super confusing to Gemma, of course.
  • She allows Alex to check on her wound and clean it up. She also asks him who this Laylen character is, and he explains that he's a friend of the family who lives in the Nevada desert.
  • Then he pulls open a curtain and shows her that they are indeed in the middle of a desert. Gemma is totally flummoxed and demands to know how they got here.
  • Alex tells her that Aislin used a form of magic back on the bus to transport them. At first Gemma doesn't believe it—she's convinced that this is all a delusion brought on by the trauma of being chased by the Death Walkers.
  • But then Alex tells her that the Death Walkers are demons, and magic is a totally real thing. He also tells her that she's very important, which Gemma seriously doubts.
  • Aislin comes back with a first aid kit and says that Laylen's going to stay away until all the blood is gone. Maybe he gets squeamish?
  • Aislin gets upset when Alex announces that he's going to tell Gemma everything, but he says that they can't keep her in the dark—after all, Gemma just saw some pretty crazy stuff.
  • Apparently this Stephan guy is Alex and Aislin's father. Aislin finally relents to Alex telling Gemma things and goes off to call Stephan, who she needs to keep up-to-date about what's going on.
  • Alex starts off with the story of the fallen star again, and says that a group called Custodis of Vita was sent to guard the star. That's Latin for Keepers of Life, but they just call themselves the Keepers.
  • He reveals that he, Aislin, Marco, and Sophia are all a part of this group. Gemma is skeptical at first, but then she realizes that this is why Sophia and Alex were talking the other day.
  • This star apparently holds a lot of power and some people called Foreseers—who make prophecies about the future—have said that it will prevent the end of the world from happening.
  • On December 21, 2012, the planets are supposed to align and a portal is supposed to open up and let out a ton of Death Walkers who are led by this guy named Demetrius. They're going to end the world with ice.
  • The fallen star is the only thing that has enough power to keep the portal from opening, so this Demetrius fellow really wants to destroy it.
  • To keep the star safe, the Keepers transferred its power into a woman who was pregnant. The star's power ended up going into her unborn baby.
  • Alex tells her that this woman's name was Jocelyn and that she was a Keeper. That's when Gemma realizes the connection—her mother's name was Jocelyn.