The Fallen Star Memory and the Past Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #1

What did my life used to be like? That was the question that ping-ponged through my brain during the rest of the school day. What had my life been like before I'd been able to feel? Before Alex had come along? Before the electricity had shown up? Oddly enough, even though the majority of my life had been spent without all of this, it didn't feel like it. (5.56)

The thing about being emotionless is that Gemma doesn't have emotional ties to any of her memories. None of her past experiences stand out to her because she doesn't consider them important; it's all just one long boring blur.

Quote #2

It was my Birth Certificate. My fingers trembled as I read my mother's name listed at the bottom. Jocelyn Lucas. It was the first time I ever saw her name, yet it felt as familiar as my own. It was a beautiful name. I bet she was beautiful too. (10.37)

Gemma really doesn't know anything about her past. Sophia and Marco have kept so much from her that she doesn't even know her own mother's name until she goes snooping in their room.

Quote #3

It had felt very real—too real. Like I had seen it before. Lived it before. Maybe I had. The mother had called the little girl Gemma. But then why had I called the woman, who I was certain wasn't Sophia, Mama? My mother had died when I was one, and the little girl had to be at least four. (11.117)

The vision of the little girl and the woman that Gemma sees when she looks into the telescope feels like it could be a memory, but that's impossible. After all, her mother died when she was one… right? At least that's what she's been told her whole life.