The Fallen Star Chapter 20 Summary

  • Gemma lies in the backseat of the car and feels like her head is completely spinning—she feels like she doesn't have a strong grasp on reality at all.
  • When she focuses on her surroundings, she realizes that they're parked in front of some store. Apparently, Laylen has gone inside to make sure that everything is safe before the rest of them join him.
  • Aislin and Alex ask Gemma if she's feeling okay, and if she can still feel emotions. They're totally hoping that she had a shock and went back to being the unemotional Gemma; it would make things easier for them.
  • She gets upset and tells them that it's not the case. Then she notices that there's a picture of a crescent moon outlined by a black star on the store door—the same image that's tattooed onto Aislin's shoulder.
  • Aislin informs her that it's not a tattoo, it's a witch's mark which appeared on her skin right after she became a witch. She also has another mark on her ankle that appeared because she's a Keeper.
  • Alex chimes in to say that he has one, too, but it's in a different spot. He teases Gemma and says that he can show her where it is, which totally embarrasses her.
  • They get the sign from Laylen that the coast is clear, so they all leave the car and walk inside the store.
  • Gemma is walking around when she sees a crystal ball that looks like what fortune tellers use. She wants to touch it, but Alex tells her not to—it's a Foreseer's crystal ball, which is what Foreseers use to see visions.
  • The woman who owns the store comes downstairs and asks them what they're looking for. Aislin tells her that they need a crystal that can help them to travel a distance of about five hundred miles.
  • The woman leads Aislin through a doorway and they both disappear to wherever the woman keeps her hidden goods.
  • While they wait, Gemma asks Alex what's going to happen to her after the portal closes. Instead of answering, though, his face completely drains of color. That can't be a good sign…
  • Gemma starts to realize that even if she stops all the Death Walkers, she will never get to live a normal life. In fact, she might die stopping them. This idea totally upsets her.
  • Gemma whirls around and bumps into the Foreseers crystal ball, which falls to the ground. Without thinking, she reaches out to pick it up as Alex and Laylen yell at her.
  • She feels her whole body being pulled into a dark tunnel. Uh-oh…