Lockdown Choices Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

The thing was that I didn't know if I was going to mess up again or not. I just didn't know. I didn't want to, but it looked like that's all I did. (6.47)

Reese worries that his own resolution to avoid violence won't be successful. He doesn't feel like he has agency in his own choices, and we also sense a bit of self-doubt in this passage.

Quote #8

If you had something going on, maybe some college or if your family had a lot of money, then maybe you could follow a good path. But if you didn't have nothing going on, then it was going to be hard just to squeeze yourself from one day into the next. (17.10)

Reese recognizes that life circumstances make it easier—or in his case, harder—to make the right choices. How much do you think life circumstances are a factor?

Quote #9

"You got to remember that this is the world you walked into when you opened the door back then." (32.43)

When cops try to pin Reese with a murder he didn't commit, he feels less in control than ever. But Mr. Cintron reminds him that his bad choices got him into this bad situation.