Please Ignore Vera Dietz Lies and Deceit Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Part.Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #1

For a while, they were blocking the door, until the banquet manager asked them to move. So they did, and now they're circled around Jenny Flick as if she's Charlie's hopeless widow rather than the reason he's dead. (1.1.18)

How aggravating. Jenny Flick acts like she's some kind of bereaved widow at Charlie's funeral, but Vera knows very well that she was the one who engineered his death. Someone has to bring that girl down, right?

Quote #2

I had a hundred arguments that made sense. I had a hundred proofs. I had a hundred truths. Nothing worked. Charlie believed Jenny Flick.

"But you even know she's a mythomaniac!" I said. (1.15.21-22)

In the words of vocabulary-word-loving Vera Dietz, Jenny Flick is a serious mythomaniac. That girl will lie about everything, and even though Charlie knows that to be the truth, he believes Jenny's poisonous lies and turns against Vera anyway. Ugh.

Quote #3

"It's nothing serious, dear," she said, her voice quavering a bit. "He'll probably be in school by Wednesday." (2.5.35)

It's obvious that Charlie isn't actually sick—his mom is just saying so to keep Vera from seeing him. Knowing how the Kahn family operates, Vera recognizes that Charlie's probably being abused by his dad.