Please Ignore Vera Dietz Part 1, Chapter 8 Summary

Thursday—Four to Close

  • Vera returns to the store and finds that her coworker Jill, who's an ex-cheerleader, is doing prep work for tomorrow. Her boss Marie is in the back counting the receipts.
  • James is in the back folding pizza boxes, so Vera comes out to help him. When Jill walks by, she raises an eyebrow as if to imply that James and Vera are sitting too close and James jokingly puts his arm around Vera and kisses her on the cheek. She blushes.
  • Then James goes to do the dishes while Vera stocks the cooler. While she's doing it, she suddenly sees all those dead Charlies coming at her again. Yikes.
  • She tells them that Charlie is dead and they disappear… for now, at least.