Please Ignore Vera Dietz Analysis

Literary Devices in Please Ignore Vera Dietz

Symbolism, Imagery, Allegory


Please Ignore Vera Dietz takes place in your typical American town, albeit one with a high poverty rate and a real divide between the rich and the poor. It's pretty rough: It's true. 47% of childre...

Narrator Point of View

Please Ignore Vera Dietz is told from a first person perspective, mostly through the eyes of the titular heroine, Vera Dietz. But the book is unique because that's not the only perspective we getâ€...


Young Adult Literature Please Ignore Vera Dietz is a tale for the modern day teenager. In it, protagonist Vera is dealing with a lot of the same old teenage problems—unrequited crushes, lost love...


In Please Ignore Vera Dietz, Vera's dad, Ken Dietz, believes strongly in always telling the truth, even if it means making the people around him uncomfortable. For example, he tells Vera about the...

Writing Style

Please Ignore Vera Dietz is written from the first person perspective, which means that it often feels like the characters are simply casually talking to the reader instead of actually trying to ac...

What's Up With the Title?

In Please Ignore Vera Dietz, Vera Dietz doesn't want to be noticed. In fact, it's the last thing that she wants, which is why she's particularly irked when the dead Charlies show up and start...

What's Up With the Epigraph?

What is your original face, before your mother and father were born? - Zen koanThe epigraph touches on a central theme of Please Ignore Vera Dietz, which is how much we are impacted by who our pare...

What's Up With the Ending?

For a book that's all about Vera and Charlie's relationship, it might seem weird or jarring that the last chapter ends with Vera taking a road trip with her dad. They both put on labels about their...


Please Ignore Vera Dietz is not a book for the faint of heart. The writing style may be pretty easy to follow (though Vera likes to slip in some difficult vocabulary words that she learned in class...

Plot Analysis

Ding Dong, Charlie's Dead When the story opens up, we learn that Charlie Kahn, Vera's best friend is dead. This especially stinks because Charlie is only in high school when he dies, so no one real...


A.S. King chose her pen name because it would spell out "asking"… and she's always asking questions about the world. (Source.) When asked to describe Please Ignore Vera Dietz in five words, A.S....

Steaminess Rating

Sex is definitely a thing that happens in Please Ignore Vera Dietz. Vera and Charlie are teenagers after all, and they've got some very hormonal urges. Charlie ends up with Jenny Flick largely in p...


Romeo and Juliet, William Shakespeare