Please Ignore Vera Dietz Part 1, Chapter 10 Summary

History—Age Eleven

  • When Vera and Charlie are eleven years old, he starts smoking cigarettes for the first time. Vera doesn't want to try. She's such a goody-two-shoes.
  • They're just walking through the neighborhood and hiding their neighbor's garden gnomes, doing normal kid stuff.
  • As they're walking up Overlook Road though, a weird guy pulls up in a white Chrysler and stops them, asking if they want to make ten bucks. It's obvious that he's a creep, and Charlie tells Vera to run.
  • Vera runs and Charlie catches up to her after the car takes off; he says that the guy is a real pervert.
  • Then they go up to the Master Oak to climb the tree because the spirit of the Great Hunter will look over them there.