Please Ignore Vera Dietz Part 2, Chapter 2 Summary

New Year's Day

  • On New Year's Day, Vera and her dad go to Uncle Caleb's house for their traditional meal.
  • Her aunt and uncle are puzzled that Vera isn't applying to "real" colleges when she could do so much better.
  • Vera, who is hungover, is in no mood for this conversation—she and her dad have already talked about it, and she's going to go to community college because it's cheaper.
  • Everyone is watching football, so Vera excuses herself by saying she has work at four and has to go home and do something first.
  • When she gets home, she takes a nap, and only wakes up after three snooze alarms; she hurriedly rushes out the door.
  • As she's walking outside, she hears the Kahns fighting; Charlie's dad is telling his mom that she's lucky he doesn't kill her right now.
  • Vera goes to her car and rushes through the McDonald's drive-thru. She plays this weird game where she imagines that Charlie could be anywhere, and so she apologizes to the hamburger before she bites into it because, well, it could be Charlie, after all.