Please Ignore Vera Dietz Part 2, Chapter 10 Summary

New Year's Day (Night)

  • The cops pull them over and take a look at their licenses. When the cop sees that Vera lives just down the road, he says that he's going to walk her home.
  • As they walk away from James and the other cop, the cop tells her that James is too old for her and that she shouldn't screw up her life; he also says that this is the only warning she'll get.
  • All the while, the thousand dead Charlies are reminding her that she can tell the cop everything about the night he died. She ignores them, though.
  • Vera's dad demands to know what's going on when she gets home, and asks her where her car is. She tries to brush off his questions and tells him that they need to go pick up the car at the pizza store tomorrow.
  • He tells her to go to sleep and that they'll talk in the morning. Obviously she's in huge trouble.