Please Ignore Vera Dietz Part 2, Chapter 1 Summary

New Year's Eve

  • On New Year's Eve, Vera is working. She delivers pizzas all over town; at one house, they don't have a tip and give her a four-pack of vodka coolers instead. Vera accepts it.
  • As she drives, she reaches under her seat and takes a sip of her bottle of vodka. She's been drinking a lot since Charlie's funeral, when she took two shots that someone had left at their table. It burned going down, but she liked the way it made her feel warm.
  • Vera grabs some final orders and takes a coworker—a girl named Helen she knows from school—home. In the car, Helen asks how things have been since Charlie died, and talks about how she can't believe that he'd hurt all those animals.
  • This takes Vera by surprise, and she finally responds that Helen shouldn't believe everything she hears. Then she drops her off and goes to deliver the rest of her pizzas.
  • When she returns to the store, James asks her if she's going anywhere special tonight and if she has a boyfriend to kiss. When she says no, he kisses her.
  • Afterward, Vera goes out to an empty field and drinks all her vodka coolers alone. Classy, Vera.
  • She feels confused because it's her first New Year's Eve without Charlie, and she misses him so much. But she missed him even before he was dead…
  • Then a bunch of the Charlie ghosts appear on the field and advance toward her. Vera tells them that she hates them, and that she had wished that they were dead—they already know this, of course.